Generate options in hours
Generate route options, with detailed insights for a robust evaluation, in hours - not months, so your team is freed up to work on tackling the hardest problems.
Analyze millions of routes
Optioneer will analyze environmental, social, engineering and cost factors simultaneously, on millions of potential routes, for stronger route shortlists.
Make updates in real time
Make instant changes to inputs and design rules, and quickly generate updated route scenario assessments so you can advance your projects with fewer delays.
Define objectives, design criteria and unit costs
Establish key criteria that consider environmental, engineering, social, cultural, and cost factors. Configure restrictions, designate no-go zones, and save design rules for efficient assessments.
Generate optimized route and site options
Define your start and end points, and automatically evaluate all possible route and site options, considering cost, environmental and social impacts, technical feasibility, and visual impact, to identify 4 to 25 optimal options.

Compare and analyze results
Compare, visualize and rework options using cost estimates, custom metric analyses, impact reports and red-yellow-green categorizations to inform defensible, data-driven decision-making.
Iterate and rework as needed
Easily add new data, update design rules, adjust costs, and quickly generate new options within a collaborative, cross-functional interface.
Cross-team collaboration
With unlimited seats, all contributors can collaborate securely with user-based access controls. Users can comment and tag people, routes, datasets, and map views for seamless, cross-functional project development.

See Optioneer in action
Get up and running fast
We’ve already helped major network owners like National Grid and SSE move quickly to AI-powered route optioneering. From us, you’ll get a tailored onboarding and partnership plan that moves as fast as you.
Get going quickly
We’ll migrate data into your own instance of Optioneer and personally onboard and train your team. The platform is intuitive and easy to adopt, so you can get going as soon as you’re ready.
Get help when you need it
Access frontline support for any issue you may come across. We also have an in-app help centre so you can troubleshoot quickly on your own.
Get more with Optioneer
A dedicated Customer Success Manager will advise you on how to get the most from Optioneer. You’ll also get training on new features and functionality so you’re always getting more value from the partnership.
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