SSE Renewables streamlines route selection process with Optioneer™ bespoke ranking solution

to develop bespoke ranking solution applicable across project portfolio

SSE Renewables (SSER) is a leading developer, owner and operator of renewable energy across the UK and Ireland, with an existing operational portfolio of around 4GW of offshore wind, onshore wind and hydro and a secured future project pipeline of over 15GW in development. SSER are also pursuing a further pipeline of over 13GW of additional prospective sites under development.
The team at SSER initially deployed Optioneer on a proposed project off the south coast of Ireland which has been in development since 2018.
The challenge of seamlessly assessing offshore and onshore routes, before using Optioneer
Traditionally, the process of determining both offshore and onshore routes requires expertise in geotechnical, geophysical and civil engineering on one hand and a focus on environmental, social and economic aspects on the other. The process involves engaging separate consultants for each discipline or, in some cases, relying on a large consultancy with both specialisations.
The interdependency of offshore routes, onshore routes, and their connecting “landfall” points results in a time-intensive effort, requiring multiple iterations and revisions to reach a final and preferred solution. In addition to this, frequent changes to development policies in the region require a dynamic approach that can adapt and deliver at pace, avoiding static reports and slide decks.

Why SSE Renewables selected Optioneer
The SSER team identified Optioneer as a comprehensive solution that could streamline the assessment of all potential routes from the offshore site to the onshore point of interconnection.
Moreover, SSER sought to leverage Optioneer to expedite the project before site visits in the later stages, optimising the approach upfront to reduce both operational costs and time. Optioneer’s digital outputs provided a clear advantage over traditional written reports, offering a modern and efficient solution fit for dynamic project development in an uncertain regulatory environment.
Our team's enthusiasm to embrace the software was evident. When we observed the software's capabilities, particularly its real-time updates and user-friendly interface, it became apparent that it offered a faster, more adaptive and efficient solution compared to traditional methods. The decision to adopt it was straightforward.
How SSE Renewables used Optioneer
Optioneer was deployed to provide an early-stage assessment for cable routes from the offshore wind farm to onshore connection points, mainly targeting early-stage conceptual work.
As the project developed, SSER sought to tailor the methodology to facilitate quick comparison and contrasting of the options generated by Optioneer. The goal was to determine the best scenario based on the company’s routing principles and following their expert local knowledge.
The team worked collaboratively over three months to address this challenge and define a solution that was scalable across various other projects in SSER’s development portfolio. This collaborative effort initially yielded an Excel-based ranking assessment. The core elements of this methodology will be integrated into the Optioneer software.
This Optioneer Assessment Table (OAT) effectively combines Optioneer’s advanced route performance metrics to enhance the software offering as an end-to-end solution for fast-paced, detailed and collaborative offshore wind project development
SSER anticipates that Optioneer's live update capability will provide longevity throughout the project cycle. Beyond concept design, the software holds the potential for continuous use in scenario planning throughout development.
This has truly been an extraordinarily positive experience. Having worked in contract management for a substantial period, it's rare to receive such over-delivery. Despite the typical challenges in project management, the support was outstanding and the product actually improved in terms of delivery. This exceptional experience is why we are recommending Optioneer internally for use on future projects.

The result
Optioneer has created the ability for SSE Renewables to undertake quick and easy ranking of route options to ascertain the best option ‘in-house’ without requiring fixed and time-bound consultant scopes to carry out the work.
to develop bespoke ranking solution applicable across project portfolio
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